Studies in Higher Education Special IssueRead about the core findings of my research conducted at the Cambridge Faculty of Education about utopian hopes and dystopian fears for the future of post-coronial higher education.
Eringfeld, S. (2021): Higher education and its post-coronial future: Utopian hopes and dystopian fears at Cambridge University during Covid-19. Studies in Higher Education, 46:1, 146-157, DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2020.1859681 Find the article, published in the latest Special Issue of Studies in Higher Education, here |
Academic Publications
Eringfeld, S. (2021). Higher education and its post-coronial future: Utopian hopes and dystopian fears at Cambridge University during Covid-19. Studies in Higher Education, 46:1, 146-157, DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2020.1859681
Eringfeld, S. (2021). Data music album Please Hold: A sonic account of higher education during and after Covid-19. Open Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 1:1, 1-11, DOI:
Eringfeld, S. (2020). Equitable Education: Opportunity and Entrepreneurship within the Spatio-Temporal Liminality of the Refugee Camp. Cambridge Educational Research e-Journal (CERJ), (Volume 7), 86-104.
Eringfeld, S. (2023). Let’s change the narrative: Using podcasting to plot(twist) the future of the university. In M. Carrigan, H. Moscovitz, M. Martini & S. Robertson (eds.), Building the Post-Pandemic University, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Eringfeld, S. & Cremin, H. (2022). Don’t just do something… Stand there!: Two women dance their academic trajectories. In P. Burnard, E. Mackinlay, D. Roussell & T. Dragovic (eds.), Doing Rebellious Research, Brill-i-Sense Publishers.
Eringfeld, S. (2023) The Smart Rebel Podcast [Podcast, 12 episodes to date].
Eringfeld, S. (2022) Podcasting as research method [Video]. SAGE Research Methods: Doing Research Online, SAGE Publishing.
Eringfeld, S. (producer/artist). (2021). Please Hold [Music album, 4 tracks].
Eringfeld, S. (producer/host). (2020). Cambridge Quaranchats [Podcast, 20 episodes].
Eringfeld, S. (2021). Higher education and its post-coronial future: Utopian hopes and dystopian fears at Cambridge University during Covid-19. Studies in Higher Education, 46:1, 146-157, DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2020.1859681
Eringfeld, S. (2021). Data music album Please Hold: A sonic account of higher education during and after Covid-19. Open Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 1:1, 1-11, DOI:
Eringfeld, S. (2020). Equitable Education: Opportunity and Entrepreneurship within the Spatio-Temporal Liminality of the Refugee Camp. Cambridge Educational Research e-Journal (CERJ), (Volume 7), 86-104.
Eringfeld, S. (2023). Let’s change the narrative: Using podcasting to plot(twist) the future of the university. In M. Carrigan, H. Moscovitz, M. Martini & S. Robertson (eds.), Building the Post-Pandemic University, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Eringfeld, S. & Cremin, H. (2022). Don’t just do something… Stand there!: Two women dance their academic trajectories. In P. Burnard, E. Mackinlay, D. Roussell & T. Dragovic (eds.), Doing Rebellious Research, Brill-i-Sense Publishers.
Eringfeld, S. (2023) The Smart Rebel Podcast [Podcast, 12 episodes to date].
Eringfeld, S. (2022) Podcasting as research method [Video]. SAGE Research Methods: Doing Research Online, SAGE Publishing.
Eringfeld, S. (producer/artist). (2021). Please Hold [Music album, 4 tracks].
Eringfeld, S. (producer/host). (2020). Cambridge Quaranchats [Podcast, 20 episodes].
Other Publications
VAINE Magazine (6-sep-2021): 'Please Hold' - poem in print
The Post-Pandemic University (20-jun-2021): 'Music album PLEASE HOLD'
Higher Education Policy Institute (21-may-2021): 'Music album PLEASE HOLD: a research-based portrait of the 'post-coronial university''
Het Parool (10-mar-2021): 'Wat als je uitvalt doordat je te slim bent om te studeren?'
NRC Handelsblad (08-mar-2021): 'IQ-testen zijn helemaal niet kleurneutraal'
Society for Research into Higher Education (26-jan-2021): 'The post-coronial future of higher education: Utopian hopes and dystopian fears'
The Post-Pandemic University (10-sep-2020): 'Reimagining educational futures: Podcasting and the post-pandemic University'
University College London, CEID (9-jul-2020): 'Podcasting during a Pandemic: How can we reimagine the Post-Covid University?'
Sustainability Worldwide Center (24-jun-2020): 'Una pandemia no es el momento para el oportunismo académico'
Cambridge Peace and Education Research Group (22-jun-2020): 'No Justice, No Peace'
Times Higher Education (16-jun-2020): 'A pandemic is not the time for academic opportunism'
Fersa Cambridge (27-apr-2020): "Looking for the silver lining": Research skills for a global pandemic'
NRC Handelsblad (24-apr-2020): 'Dit is geen moment voor academisch ellenbogenwerk'
University of London (31-Mar-2020): 'Studying in times of COVID-19'
Het Onderwijsblad (8-jan-2020): 'Uitblinken moet makkelijker worden'
De Telegraaf (13-dec-2019): 'Turbostudent: "Ze zeiden dat ik té slim was"'
University of London (21-oct-2019): 'Three degrees in thee years: a tale of dedication'
Honeysuckle Mag (14-june-2019): 'I Rejected Hook-ups and Missed Out on a Dream Job'
The New Context (3-jan-2019): 'The Hair Salons of Flatbush'
The Post-Pandemic University (20-jun-2021): 'Music album PLEASE HOLD'
Higher Education Policy Institute (21-may-2021): 'Music album PLEASE HOLD: a research-based portrait of the 'post-coronial university''
Het Parool (10-mar-2021): 'Wat als je uitvalt doordat je te slim bent om te studeren?'
NRC Handelsblad (08-mar-2021): 'IQ-testen zijn helemaal niet kleurneutraal'
Society for Research into Higher Education (26-jan-2021): 'The post-coronial future of higher education: Utopian hopes and dystopian fears'
The Post-Pandemic University (10-sep-2020): 'Reimagining educational futures: Podcasting and the post-pandemic University'
University College London, CEID (9-jul-2020): 'Podcasting during a Pandemic: How can we reimagine the Post-Covid University?'
Sustainability Worldwide Center (24-jun-2020): 'Una pandemia no es el momento para el oportunismo académico'
Cambridge Peace and Education Research Group (22-jun-2020): 'No Justice, No Peace'
Times Higher Education (16-jun-2020): 'A pandemic is not the time for academic opportunism'
Fersa Cambridge (27-apr-2020): "Looking for the silver lining": Research skills for a global pandemic'
NRC Handelsblad (24-apr-2020): 'Dit is geen moment voor academisch ellenbogenwerk'
University of London (31-Mar-2020): 'Studying in times of COVID-19'
Het Onderwijsblad (8-jan-2020): 'Uitblinken moet makkelijker worden'
De Telegraaf (13-dec-2019): 'Turbostudent: "Ze zeiden dat ik té slim was"'
University of London (21-oct-2019): 'Three degrees in thee years: a tale of dedication'
Honeysuckle Mag (14-june-2019): 'I Rejected Hook-ups and Missed Out on a Dream Job'
The New Context (3-jan-2019): 'The Hair Salons of Flatbush'